SOT-Calc Version 2.01 Ordering Information ========================================== CheckBox Software Phone: (908) 545-3010 One Leary Drive Fax: (908) 418-1441 North Brunswick CompuServe: 71034,2654 NJ, USA, 08902 America Online: CHECKBOX InterNet: Price: $29.95 (U.S. Funds) If ordering by mail or credit card from outside of the USA or Canada, there is a $2.00 (U.S.) international shipping surcharge, making your total cost $31.95 (U.S.). There is no international shipping surcharge for those who order via CompuServe. If ordering by mail from within New Jersey, add 6% state sales tax. To Order By Check (Cheque) Or Money Order... -------------------------------------------- We can directly accept checks in U.S. dollars drawn on U.S. banks, money orders in U.S. dollars, and purchase orders from qualified U.S. corporations. Send your completed order form and payment to the address above. Make all checks or money orders payable to "CheckBox Software." Use the order form on page 3 of this document. To Order By Credit Card... -------------------------- SOT-Calc can be purchased from the PsL (Public Software Library) using your credit card. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover are accepted. *** Please specify 3.5" or 5.25" diskette. *** Please request SOT-Calc Registration, Item # 10517. Toll Free 800 Number (Within the U.S.A.): 1-800-2424-PsL 1-800-242-4775 Or Phone: (713)524-6394 Fax: (713)524-6398 CompuServe: 71355,470 Public (Software) Library, P.O. Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NUMBERS AND ADDRESS ABOVE ARE FOR ORDERS ONLY. The PsL is not equipped to handle ANY other requests on ur behalf. If you have any questions (concerning delayed orders, technical problems, or anything else), please contact CheckBox Software directly. Credit card orders _MUST_ be sent (or called in) directly to the PsL, Public Software Library. To Purchase A Site License... ----------------------------- Each site license includes a master disk (suitable for duplication), a special master copy of the manual (suitable for photocopying), free version 2.x upgrades, free technical support, and all other standard benefits of registration. 1 to 4 users - Only $29.95 per user 5 to 9 users - Only $25.00 per user (More than 16% off) 10 to 19 users - Only $22.00 per user (More than 26% off) 20 to 29 users - Only $18.00 per user (More than 39% off) 30 to 49 users - Only $15.00 per user (More than 49% off) 50 to 100 users - Only $12.00 per user (More than 59% off) For example: A fifty user site license, at $12 per user, would cost $600. If purchased individually, fifty licenses would cost nearly $1500. Beyond 100 users, please contact us directly. Call us at (908) 545-3010 during normal business hours, or fax us at (908) 418-1441. Make all checks (cheques) or money orders payable to "CheckBox Software." Purchase orders from U.S. companies are accepted without deposit fees. Register Via CompuServe... -------------------------- You can easily register SOT-Calc, no matter where you live, if you are a member of the CompuServe Information Service. CompuServe now offers a special area dedicated to shareware registrations... Use it to register SOT-Calc and $29.95 in U.S. funds - or the current exchange value in your local currency - will be added to your next CompuServe bill. It's a quick and easy way to register all of our shareware packages. And if you live outside of the United States or Canada, you SAVE! That's because we've waived the usual international shipping and handling surcharge for those who register via CompuServe. How do you use it? Just GO SWREG and follow the instructions as they appear. The Registration ID number for this product is 1064. Make a note of it before calling. SOT-Calc Version 2.01 Order Form ================================ (PsL Item Number #10517) Please check one: [ ] 3.5" or [ ] 5.25" diskette Price: $29.95 (U.S. Funds) Add $2.00 (U.S.) international shipping surcharge if you are outside of the U.S. or Canada. NJ residents ordering by check or money order, please add 6% sales tax. Total: $_____________ If ordering by credit card: Please check one: [ ] Visa [ ] MC [ ] Discover [ ] AmEx Card Number:_______________________________________ Expires:___________ Signature:________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name Title (if applicable) _________________________________________________________________________ Company (if applicable) Phone number _________________________________________________________________________ Address Line #1 _________________________________________________________________________ Address Line #2 _________________________________________________________________________ City, Province/State, Country Postal Code/Zip _________________________________________________________________________ CompuServe, America Online, InterNet, or other E-Mail Address (Optional) _________________________________________________________________________ Where did you find SOT-Calc? (Please Be Specific) IF ORDERING BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER, mail this order form with enclosed payment to: CheckBox Software, One Leary Drive, North Brunswick, NJ, USA, 08902. Complete details are on page 1 of this document. IF ORDERING BY CREDIT CARD, mail this order form to: Public Software Library, P.O. Box 35705, Houston, TX, USA, 77235-5705. Or fax it to (713)524-6398. Or call it in (voice) to (800)242-4775 (in the U.S.) or (713)524-6394. Complete details are on page 1 of this document. All prices are subject to change. Thank you!